Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Online Research Traps

Good writing is based on good research. Doing your research online is handy and allows you to copy and paste relevant results into your notes. Your online research is also dangerous. You could miss the salient points when doing so. Companies and public figures are the reason for that very real danger. They manipulate Google search results to their liking with targeted SEO.

When doing your research for your writing, there are points you have to be aware of before you start, or at least before you fall for the traps. Companies, celebrities, and politicians employ hundreds of copywriters and fixers to spin dross in their favor to manipulate Google search results. Their only aim is to drown relevant and damaging information in a sea of irrelevant chatter. And it works.

First, get this into your head: Google relevant is not relevant for what you do or anyone else. Google relevant is relevant for Google's advertising income with a few token pages to prove that this is not the case. Once you accept this fact of life, everything else I have to say seems fairly obvious. If you want to get relevant results, you have your work cut out for you. There are several ways to go about it.

The way Google search results are groomed is called reputation management, and it is big business. It might also be a market you could earn your money in, because as a writer you would be able to spin high quality dross. Don't close your eyes on that possibility. Reputation management works by producing articles that replicate search results able to find the damaging article. If the damage is serious, companies will buy a hundred or so similar looking web addresses and fill them with their chatter to the point where the relevant information is pushed back to the back pages of Google search results.

This means for you: Take your time to sift through the search results. Work your way to the back pages of your Google search. The relevant information you are looking for has been moved way back thanks to the efficiency of Google's relevant search results. If you run out of material to sift through, change your search term, look for backhanded keywords, or redefine your search and start over. Just don't give up. The more squeaky clean something looks, the more suspicious you should get. There is always dirt to be found somewhere in a dark corner, and all you need is the perseverance to find it and bring it to light.

If you think you are wasting your time, you aren't. The complicated search will help you in other ways. You have already established which search terms and keywords have been marginalized by spin doctors. This information will help you to position your article, its search terms and keywords to outsmart the smarty pants helping companies, celebrities, and politicians to defraud the public of relevant information. Just don't expect your joy to last for long. They'll pour money into copy-writing until your article has disappeared like the proverbial needle in the haystack.

Further reading
Targeted SEO for Improved Business Reputation
Government Fraud And Cover Up
History Distortion With Criminal Intent

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